Disable Spotlight and remove Spotlight icon from menu

To turn Spotlight Indexing off and on in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and to remove the Menu Bar Icon, follow these steps.


Dec 11, 2008  | by 海水未蓝
From: http://www.douban.com/group/topic/4843472/



—— P. Erdös

Erdös(1913-1996)是当代最伟大的数学家之一,他一生中同485位合作者发表过1475篇数学 论文,涉及数学的许多领域。下面的这些故事主要来自他的传记《数字情种》,当然也有一 些从别处搜集来的故事。

前面所引的那段话暗示了一天工作19个小时以上(在古稀之年依然如此)的Erdös对兴奋剂 的依赖。1979年,他的朋友 Graham与Erdös打赌,只要他一个月之内不服用安非他明, Graham就输给他500美元。Erdös成功地赢得了这次打赌,但他对Graham 说:”你帮我证明了 我不是一个瘾君子,但在这段时间内我一无所成。我早晨起来就盯着一张白纸发呆,毫无主 意,跟普通人没有什么区别。你因此使数学的发展滞后了一个月。”所以他随后便重新开始 服用兴奋剂。 

How to add a user from the OS X command line

Adding a user is something easily accomplished using the built in GUI tools that ship with OS X, however any power user can appreciate the possible efficiency gained from using the command line. So in the spirit of efficiency here are the steps necessary to add a user to your Mac OS X system all with our good friend, Terminal.app.

LaTeX tips: Displayed Math

Sep 08, 2007  | by A. J. Hildebrand
From: http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~hildebr/tex/displays.html

Most of the tips below require the amslatex macros. These are automatically loaded if you use the amsart documentclass, but if you use other documentclasses, such as article, put the following in the preamble, after \documentclass{...}:

\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}

For more about the amslatex macros, and as a general reference for the tips below, see Gratzer’s “Math into LaTeX”.


Sep 23, 2005  | by 老六
From: http://vip.book.sina.com.cn/chapter/39502/21822.html

从昨天夜里开始,除了实在支持不住而睡去外,我置各种迫在眉睫的任务于不顾,一直在看 《费马大定理》。



老缪是做学问的人,喜欢向我兜售他看过的英文原版书,那未尝不是一种得意,但这种得意 对我来说,则有许多难堪,因为他说过的书,大多不可能翻译出版,而这么偏门的海市蜃楼 都能让他把持着,也更增其得意。我的英语水平,是永远不可能读原版的,双重压迫之下, 对“老缪的书”基本抱持可有可无的空灵态度。

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